恐惧原名:Veliki strah,又名***** Fear、VELIKI STRAH。1958年动画、恐怖、短片类型片,创作于南斯拉夫地区,具有无对白语言版本。由**·武科蒂奇执导,并由**·武科蒂奇、Ivo Vrbanić任编剧,携幕后团队创作。
A man reads a horror novel late at night. His imagination runs away with him; he thinks some dripping beverage is blood, is frightened by his own bear-skin rug, and faints when he sees a shadow of himself in a noose-like tangle of his phone cord. The ambulance arrives and finds the most threatening thing is a kitten in a sock and a shelf of horror novels. They cart off the nove...