介绍: 扬帆起航原名:Pharesdouest,又名西方的灯。1990年纪录片类型片,创作于**地区,具有法语语言版本。由BernardPoggi执…… 更多扬帆起航介绍
扬帆起航原名:Phares d'ouest,又名西方的灯。1990年纪录片类型片,创作于**地区,具有法语语言版本。由Bernard Poggi执导,
This documentary is about 13 French teenagers who sail a large sailing ship (with the **** of two or three adults), following the same course Columbus followed from Spain to the Yucatan Peninsula, with stops at various Caribbean islands. The boys, ages 10 to 15 years, form an integrated group and control all aspects of the expedition, from navigation and maintenance to the film...
能有这样的经历真的是很棒的 (1:57:03)