介绍: Re-enactmentofWorldWar2BattleofArnhem.LaterlavishlyremadeasABridgeTooF…… 更多他们的荣耀介绍
他们的荣耀原名:Theirs Is the Glory,又名阿纳姆人
Re-enactment of World War 2 Battle of Arnhem. Later lavishly remade as A Bridge Too Far. Storyline In 1944, British General Montgomery and his command were way north of the Allied line, and the Germans were holding them in that swampy position. The plan, put into operation on Sunday, September 14, 1944, was to **** two American Airborne divisions and the British First Airborne ...
发布于1946年。由Brian Desmond Hurst执导,并且由编剧Louis Golding携幕后团队创作。集众多位Stanley Maxted、Thomas Scullion、Allan Wood等著名实力派明星加盟。并于1946公映的电影。
Glen Malcolm
算上遥远的桥,这两部真是伞**爱好者的eye candy。因为该片摄制年代的因素,当年**遗迹,道具得以原封不动地继续使用。片中最后从奥斯特贝克协助伞兵撤离的第二军加拿大好汉们威武。