血原名:Sangre,又名Blood。2003年剧情类型片,创作于阿根廷地区,具有西班牙语语言版本。由巴勃罗·塞萨尔执导,并由巴勃罗·塞萨尔、Miguel Bonifacio César任编剧,携幕后团队创作。于2003-12-04公映。
**亚眠**电影节最佳女主角奖。 Blood is a family portrait. The story is played by a mother, her two sons and the shadow of a father dead 25 years back under strange circumstances, when Martin was 5 years old Nicholas 5 months only. The mother carries within herself the pain, the guilt and the horror of that death. Martin with his super 8 mm camera wants to make a film that expresses in metap...