一碗爱情汤 第二季

Love Soup Season 2(2008)

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一碗爱情汤 第二季剧情内容介绍

一碗爱情汤 第二季原名:Love Soup Season 2,

Alice is now an account ******* for a perfume counter in a London department store. Millie and Cleo are her sweet, ever-so-slightly deranged staff, keen to see the funny, caring but somewhat reticent Alice find the happiness she deserves - and not above fighting each other in pursuit of their own. This poignant romantic comedy charts the highs and lows of the three girls' quirk...



一碗爱情汤 第二季资源介绍





一碗爱情汤 第二季评价

  • I know it's supposed to be a comedy, at least a comedy drama, yet I felt so sad watching it and nearly cried towards S2... what if 'the one' is not out there anymore? Again, the monologue was just like ** own mind read out loud. Good to know that you're not alone.

  • 4.5 比第一季弱了一点点 还是很棒!

  • ep1 go really gentle?go really mental 刀子顶出来的车技 ep2 let go ep3 Ben Big Ben 交代了***去向 ep5 感觉小孩是那谁的 后半变了 ep7 Mark出手必然creepy 男的就是男的 ep9 又有phoneshop cast 所以黑德国佬的点、无非是💩人🧊莲🧛 ep10 Gavin Stacey后者 哼男人 信仰 ep12 again, men eh
