家庭生活原名:La vie de famille,又名Family Life。1985年剧情、喜剧类型片,创作于**地区,具有法语语言版本。由雅克·杜瓦隆执导,并由雅克·杜瓦隆、让-弗朗索瓦·戈耶任编剧,携幕后团队创作。集众多位萨米·弗雷、Mara Goyet、朱丽叶·比诺什、朱丽叶·贝尔托等著名实力派明星加盟。于1985-02-13公映。
This is an affecting story about a father's attempts to mend the breaches in the relationship between himself and his 10-year-old daughter. Emmanuel (Sami Frey) is the father of Elise (Mara Goyet) by his first marriage, and the stepfather of an older daughter by his second marriage. He tries to make the best of both family relationships by taking off to visit his young daughter...
制作公司:TF1 Films Productions[**]
Flach Film[**]发行公司: