Tales from the Cannibal Side


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Tales from the Cannibal Side剧情内容介绍

Tales from the Cannibal Side

This collection of three grisly and terrifying short films is definitely not for the squeamish. For those who enjoy hillbilly cannibals, over-the-top gore, and women who fantasize about being cannibalized, this is a fine choice. The first film, "Weekend in the ****," is about a young woman.. Michael W. Johnson also directed a vampire movie called Blood ****

发布于1998年。由Michael W. Johnson执导,并于1998公映的电影。


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Tales from the Cannibal Side评价

  • VHS画质 血腥场景很少 **场景很多

  • 四级,前一个故事**偏多 6min 12min 22min 31min 后一个故事就是**虐女 最后割**掏肠子挺猛
