介绍: UsingMexicosversionoftheUSAsKentState,asaback****,weexaminetheUSAsdeep…… 更多墨西哥城大屠杀1968介绍
墨西哥城大屠杀1968原名:Tlatelolco: Mexico 68,又名68、Mexico68、Tlatelolco68、Tlatelolco: Mexiico68
Using Mexico's version of the USA's Kent State, as a back ****, we examine the USA's deeply rooted involvement in Mexico's politics, by the CIA. We learn of the ***** uncontested influence that CIA's #1 Man in Mexico, Winston Scott had, and how he backed the PRI Monopoly over Mexico's politics,misleading Mexico's President (Gustavo Diaz Ordaz) About the NEVER proven Communist i...
发布于2017年。由卡洛斯·博拉多执导,并且由编剧Humberto Arechiga、John Conley携幕后团队创作。并于2009公映的电影。