Jeder stirbt für sich allein


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Jeder stirbt für sich allein又名Everyone Dies Alone

When they start losing family members and neighbors due to WWII and the Nazi government's policies, a quiet married couple becomes disillusioned and begins spreading leaflets against the government - a crime punishable by death.

发布于1976年。由阿尔弗雷德·福勒尔执导,并且由编剧汉斯·法拉达、Miodrag Cubelic携幕后团队创作。集众多位希尔德加德·克内夫、Carl Raddatz、Martin Hirthe、Peter Matic、Gerd Böckmann、Rudolf Fernau、Hans Korte、布里吉特·米拉、Edith Heerdegen、Beate Hasenau、亚历山大·拉兹尊、Heinz Ehrenfreund、Pinkas Braun、恩斯特·威赫姆·博彻特、Friedrich G. Beckhaus、Kurt Buecheler、Dietrich Frauboes、雅克·布劳耶等著名实力派明星加盟。并于1976-01-21(西德)公映的电影。


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