Down on the Farm


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Down on the Farm

The day starts off as any normal day on Roach's farm, where Teddy, the farmhouse dog, is doing **** productive work than everyone else combined. But the day changes when Roach's farmhand sees an opportunity to be the knight in shining armor to Louise, Roach's daughter, who he wants to marry. Roach, however will not have his daughter marry a lowly farmhand, although Louise loves...

发布于1920年。由雷·格雷、厄尔·C·肯顿执导,并且由编剧雷·格雷、雷蒙德·格里菲斯携幕后团队创作。集众多位露易丝·法增达、哈里·格里本、伯特·罗奇、詹姆斯·芬利森、比利·阿姆斯壮、多恩·马里恩、玛丽·普雷沃斯特、本·特平、Joseph Belmont、埃迪·格里本、西碧尔·希利等著名实力派明星加盟。并于1920-04-25公映的电影。


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Down on the Farm评价

  • 难度非常高的喜剧,儿童、动物加上**特技动作拍摄难度非常大,能有这种完成度度也可以算是当时整个喜剧产业的佼佼者,马克·森内特此时已经由派拉蒙发行电影。不过欠缺情感的喜剧始终没有办法成为经典。

  • 挺无聊的,狗的表演很不错。 但还是融有对生活理解深刻的金句: Some marry in haste And never regret it Some marry for love And then don't get it
