介绍: AfterthedeathofPrinceStephenthe*****thethroneofthePrincipalityofMoldav…… 更多邵伊默雷什蒂家族介绍
邵伊默雷什蒂家族原名:Neamul Şoimăreştilor,又名The Hawk、The Soimaresti Family、绍依玛鲁家族
After the death of Prince Stephen the ***** the throne of the Principality of Moldavia is up for grabs.Two of Prince Stephen's legitimate descendants, Stefan Tomsa and Elisabeta Movila start a bloody civil war of succession in 1612.Elisabeta Movila is the widow of former ruler Ieremia Movila and mother of Constantin Movila who briefly held the throne of Moldavia but was ousted ...
发布于1965年。由米尔恰·德勒甘执导,并且由编剧米哈伊尔·萨多维亚努携幕后团队创作。集众多位George Calboreanu、Stefan Ciubotarasu等著名实力派明星加盟。并于1965-04-12(罗马尼亚)公映的电影。