介绍: Nzinga创作于**地区,具有葡萄牙语语言版本。由OctávioBezerra执导,集众多位SannyAlves、NestorCapoei…… 更多Nzinga介绍
Nzinga创作于**地区,具有葡萄牙语语言版本。由Octávio Bezerra执导,集众多位Sanny Alves、Nestor Capoeira、Nana Vasconcelos等著名实力派明星加盟。于2007-03-18公映。
A musical documentary about the Afro-Brazilian Culture with the well-known Brazilian musician Naná Vasconcelos, the narrative structure of which is developed through a "búzios" ****, towards which the main character is attracted by "the calling of the drums", searching for her self knowledge and her true path. On a journey through the percussion roads of the states of Pernambuc...