Tecumseh: The Last Warrior


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Tecumseh: The Last Warrior

This western began in 1812 when the settlers tried to take away **** and **** territories from the indians. Tecumseh, who is the leader of the Shawnee indians, tries to do something. He plans a big indian state, and tries to win the English settlers over to this plan... Written by Kornel Osvart

发布于1995年。由拉里·埃利坎执导,并且由编剧James Alexander Thom携幕后团队创作。集众多位杰西·博雷格、大卫·科列侬、坦图·卡丁诺、洛恩·卡迪纳尔、Gregory Cruz等著名实力派明星加盟。并于1995公映的电影。


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