Between the Stars


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  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 类型:短片 / 奇幻
  • 地区: 荷兰
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Between the Stars剧情内容介绍

Between the Stars

This poetic black and white short film from the Netherlands was inspired by a fragment from an incomplete H. P. Lovecraft story. It's about a worker drone who lives in a crowded low-rent high-rise apartment. His only window looks out onto a small courtyard boxed in on all sides by neighboring buildings. At night, he lies on a board shoved outside his window (like a gang plank) ...

发布于1998年。由Djie Han Thung执导,并于1998公映的电影。


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Between the Stars评价

  • HPL的东西大概只能是Fans向了…这部短片在Fans短片中也算是很好的。充满了诗意。****://***.tudou****/programs/view/zru-1E2UltM/

  • 风格清新的实验短片,广角镜头用的真不错。
