介绍: StoriesmostlycenteredonTheKingfishsschemestogetrich,oftenbydupinghisbr…… 更多阿莫斯与安迪秀介绍
阿莫斯与安迪秀原名:The Amos 'n Andy Show,又名Amos 'n Andy
Stories mostly centered on The Kingfish's schemes to get rich, often by duping his brothers in the Mystic Knights of the Sea Lodge. Andy was particularly dupable. Amos mostly narrated.
发布于1951年。由查尔斯·巴顿执导,并且由编剧Charles J. Correll、Freeman F. Gosden携幕后团队创作。集众多位Alvin Childress、斯宾瑟·威廉姆斯、Tim Moore、John D. Lee Jr.、Ernestine Wade、阿曼达·兰多夫、Nick Stewart、罗伊·格伦、Amos Reese、Bobby Johnson、杰斯特·海尔斯顿、Zelda Cleaver、Dudley Dickerson、比尔·沃克、杰姆斯亚当森、热尼·勒戈恩、Willa Pearl Curtis、Ruby Dandridge等著名实力派明星加盟。并于1951-06-28(美国)公映的电影。