介绍: CharlesDarwinistakenabackwhenhereceivesamanuscriptfromacolleague,Alfre…… 更多达尔文的至黑时刻介绍
达尔文的至黑时刻原名:Darwins Darkest Hour,
Charles Darwin is taken aback when he receives a manuscript from a colleague, Alfred Wallace, which contains many of the same conclusions as he on evolution and the development of various species. Darwin's theory was developed over a ***** many years and in flashbacks, the manner in which it developed is shown. He had many supporters and likely **** critics. He knew that his id...
发布于2009年。由John Bradshaw执导,集众多位亨利·伊安·库斯克、弗兰西丝·奥康纳等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2009公映的电影。