The Culture Show: Sylvie Guillem - Force of Nature


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The Culture Show: Sylvie Guillem - Force of Nature剧情内容介绍

The Culture Show: Sylvie Guillem - Force of Nature

The ballerina Sylvie Guillem was always out on a limb, even when she was the classical star at the Royal Ballet in the '90s and early '00s. She was French, she was tall, she was unbelievably flexible, she was staggeringly charismatic, and she had no fear of setting her terms and saying “non” if they didn’t suit.  She’s always made ***** ***** copy, but it’s inevitable that the s...



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The Culture Show: Sylvie Guillem - Force of Nature评价

  • 10.10晨@天平路社区 排艺术节的公益票的时候看的这档半小时节目。红发明媚可爱,性格简洁明快,天生技巧压群,还有环保担当(加入反捕鲸**也是萌)。48岁的不**,活泼泼看不出退出迹象。最后用了《告别》的段落,略伤感。// p.s. 10.18在文广看了她的告别场演出,赞美。

  • 十年前的SG**,十年后的我难以自拔,一遍遍朝圣神隐前迷人夺目的零光片羽,试图修复拼补以探寻居于影像后的熠熠灵魂。钦慕她忠于己身无拘意无缚心无疆的人生**。To go on the stage, it's a person, it's not only a dancer. ... Why was that moment when I was on stage, it had to be a full personality. ... I can't just stop and cry or the tears of ** body becuz I'm gonna stop dancing. // (***的v.o.真有趣 NOT.)
