介绍: 恋人日记原名:TagebucheinesLiebenden,又名DiaryofaManinLove。创作于西德地区,具有德语语言版本。由苏赫…… 更多恋人日记介绍
恋人日记原名:Tagebuch eines Liebenden,又名Diary of a Man in Love。创作于西德地区,具有德语语言版本。由苏赫拉布·**德·萨利斯执导,
The movie is a diary of a lonely 30 year old man who works as a butcher in a supermarket. The movie shows his daily life between the supermarket and his flat. His ability to communicate is limited. From time to time his mother visits him. But his relationship to her is rather reserved. Constantly he’s waiting for his girlfriend which is not visiting him anymore after they had a...
三星半。**导演Sohrab Shahid Saless在德国拍的片子,名字很普通,但显然不是主流故事片。仍然像Chantal Akerman