介绍: Thisisashort7-minutemoviereviewbyHarunFarockimadein1985fortheGermanTV-…… 更多Film-Tip: Le thé au harem d'Archimède介绍
Film-Tip: Le thé au harem d'Archimède原名:Film-Tip: Le thé au harem d'Archimède,又名Filmtip: Tee im Harem des Archimedes von Harun Farocki
This is a short 7-minute movie review by Harun Farocki made in 1985 for the German TV-series »Filmtip«. Over 300 short movie reviews have been produced for the series since 1978. You'll find **** about »Filmtip«, the series history and methods here. Farocki's short review is about Mehdi Charef's »Le thé ** harem d'Archimède«. The movie was shown in German cinemas in 1985/86. Th...
发布于1985年。由Harun Farocki执导,并于1985公映的电影。