Thought Crimes


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  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 演员: Alan M. Dershowitz / Violet Blue / James A. Cohen
  • 类型:纪录片
  • 地区: 美国
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Thought Crimes

Dubbed "The Cannibal Cop," Gilberto Valle was convicted in March 2013 of conspiring to kidnap and eat young women. Valle argued it was all a fantasy; the prosecution's narrative convinced jurors otherwise. Valle was facing a possible life sentence when filmmaker Erin Lee Carr began visiting him in prison. After 22 months behind bars, his conviction was overturned in a stunning ...

发布于2015年。由艾琳·李·卡尔执导,集众多位Alan M. Dershowitz、Violet Blue、James A. Cohen等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2015-04-20(美国)公映的电影。


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Thought Crimes评价

  • ***拍這類與司法、犯罪有關的紀錄片還是相當具水準的。

  • Can action of plotting crimes online be treated as sort of crimes in real life? When we are typing up evil thoughts in cyber world, can thoughts still be thoughts, or, they have actually become a starting point of possible actions in future?

  • ACLU, Gil Valle defense team,甚至还有EFF,搞出耸人听闻思想罪thought crime就是玩弄无知群众,网上讲******自己妻子和身边女**人不违法,违法的部分是利用警察身份用警方数据库查猎物信息和**,你要搞个纪录片讨论conspiracy overt act标准如何灰**域法律何去何从倒也算了,没这么做的原因是什么,是因为美国法律不爽不要玩,陪审团12人决定了,他们身为reasonable people,认定beyond reasonable doubt,Gil Vale有实施犯罪conspiracy。他不是因为思想入罪的。以及这人纪录片里到处说谎,先说自己不会再搞**肢解食肉fantasy了,纪录片结尾又说要找志同道合的新伴侣,没意思哦
