介绍: 叶甫盖尼·奥涅金原名:EugenOnegin,又名***国家歌剧院歌剧《叶甫盖尼·奥涅金》。2019年戏曲类型片,创作于奥地利地区,集众多位…… 更多叶甫盖尼·奥涅金介绍
叶甫盖尼·奥涅金原名:Eugen Onegin,又名***国家歌剧院歌剧《叶甫盖尼·奥涅金》。2019年戏曲类型片,创作于奥地利地区,集众多位Marina Rebeka、Margarita Gritskova、Boris Pinkhasovich、Pavol Breslik、Ferruccio Furlanetto等著名实力派明星加盟。
In his „Lyrical Scenes in three acts“ after Pushkins novel in verses we follow Tchaikovsky in music full of melancholy to an remote country estate, lived-in by their mother and the two sisters Olga and Tatyana, who escapes from its tristesse only in her books. When Tatyanas fiancé Lenski introduces his friend Eugene Onegin to her, and she projects all her longings onto him, a m...