Jeff Stryker is a years old from . He was born in Carmi, Illinois, USA, under the name Charles Casper Peyton. Jeff Stryker's birthday is 21 August, 1962 & His star sign is . His height is 5' 9½" (1.77 m). His list of relationships includes the names: Jamie Summers. Here are the 5 most rated projects Jeff Stryker appeared in: "Trigun" (1998), Bigger Than Life (1991), Powertool (1986), Stryker Force (1987), The Switch Is On (1985). You voted these projects for His top 5: "Trigun" (1998), After Death (Oltre la morte) (1988), Powertool (1986), Can I Be Your Bratwurst, Please? (1999), Jamie Loves Jeff (1988). Jeff Stryker won 1 award[s]: GayVN Award for his role on Underground in 1997, He also had 2 award nomination[s], including: Hall of Fame, Wall of Fame.