正在播放:唤醒死者 第三季第1集

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唤醒死者 第三季0.0

In 1996 a gunman opened fire from the top of a multistory carpark killing passersby on Whitewater High Street. Since known as the Whitewater massacre, one of the victims was a tactical squad police officer, Sgt. Nick Patterson, Supt. Peter Boyd's best friend. Patterson's police-issued ***** pistol disappeared and was the weapon used to kill him. The ***** disappeared that day b...

正在播放:唤醒死者 第三季第1集 。 更新于02-27 01:36,播放来源于云播bj。

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唤醒死者 第三季第1集介绍

唤醒死者 第三季第1集在线观看

唤醒死者 第三季第1集在线观看。 更新于02-27 01:36,播放来源于云播bj。


剧情介绍:第1集-In 1996 a gunman opened fire from the top of a multistory carpark killing passersby on Whitewater High Street. Since known as the Whitewater massacre, one of the victims was a tactical squad police officer, Sgt. Nick Patterson, Supt. Peter Boyd's best friend. Patterson's police-issued ***** pistol disappeared and was the weapon used to kill him. The ***** disappeared that day b...——佛系影视提供。