介绍: DuringthefirstfewmonthsafterthedeadlyFirstWorldWar,avirulent,dreadfulf…… 更多西班牙流感:被遗忘的堕落介绍
西班牙流感:被遗忘的堕落原名:Spanish Flu: The Forgotten Fallen,
During the first few months after the deadly First World War, a virulent, dreadful flu breaks out. Point of perspective from Doctor Niven, the CMO of Manchester, on how he carried out this sickness.
发布于2009年。由贾斯汀·哈迪执导,并且由编剧Peter Harness、Peter Guinness携幕后团队创作。集众多位比尔·帕特森、马克·加蒂斯、夏洛特·莱利、Kate Ambler等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2009公映的电影。
又一部因为豆瓣机翻译名气到自己翻译全片的电影 《1918大流感:被遗忘的亡者》https://***.acfun.**/v/ac15261628 "Fallen" 很直接的就是"倒下的人",具体到此就是"在与疾病大战中倒下的人",简称"(阵)亡者",说是**(者)飘到十万八千里了,陨落者也太过艺术。
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复习摘略: 1 "It is not necessary to understand the epidemiology of influenza to see that **** might be done to limit the spread of the disease" 2 "-We need to close the ****, we need to do something now! -It's not ** *** to close things down, it's ** *** to keep things running!" 3 一个世纪来,一些东西进步了,而另一些永远不会。 4 一个世纪后,在群众和**间夹缝求生的PH工作者,依然两头不是人。 5 可类比列加索夫同志